In Turkish, when we talk about a trivial issue, we use the expression "stuff that wouldn't even fill a fig seed". However, it is not to be forgotten that it is the tiny seed itself that gives us the tree, and in fig's case, one whose roots are strong and tenacious enough to lance through the firmest foundations to make their way to the water they long for. Likewise, our tiniest thoughts, feelings, words and actions hold the potential to grow into a power that might eventually make or break what matters most...Which only goes to show the seeds themselves, and whatever is supposed to fill them, matter just as much. After all, tackling each seed with kindness and curiosity is the first step to the path of self-discovery which connects whatever remains from the past to be healed, or built upon, with whatever there is to look forward to with a sense of purpose and clarity that can only be gained by cherishing our muses and musings. May this blog serve as a reminder that no seed of your heart and mind is trivial unless you decide it is. Enjoy!
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